Monday 4 March 2013

Keynote Speaker - Painting over the Cracks - Prof. Paul Haywood

This talk was given by Professor Paul Haywood, from Salford University. It mainly consisted of him explaining how he got to where he is today, and the projects he has been involved with. He was worked on a project that helped deal with the gun problem in Moss Side in Manchester. This saw the team melting down weapons that the police had confiscated, and turned them into ingots for use in industry; Another impressive project he was involved with was collecting colours from the landscapes around Littleborough and designing a colour palette that represents Littleborough; You could tell from the way Prof. Paul Haywood was talking about his work, that he was extremely passionate. Although I didn't gain much for my own knowledge and learning from this talk, it was really interesting to see a creative not working necessarily commercially, but more for helping the local community.

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